Tips for more accessibility in Windows 11

Tips for more accessibility in Windows 11

In addition to the many functions that make everyday work easier in Windows 11, there are also accessibility features that are primarily aimed at people with disabilities. We introduce them to you.

Of course, the features are not only suitable for the actual target group but can also make everyday life easier overall. Below you will also find a list of shortcuts that will take you directly to the features.

Windows 11 features for a more inclusive work

Windows offers a dictation function. Once activated, it does exactly what it’s supposed to. You speak, and your computer writes. However, as is usual with such assistants, you should manually check again whether everything is correct.

Immersive Reader allows you to hide visual distractions in Microsoft Edge and set things like spacing or colors. If you prefer to use a different browser: A reading mode has been announced for Chrome, which should be available from Chrome version 114. Basically, it should do the same thing.

The color filters are interesting for people with color weaknesses. For example, if you suffer from a red-green weakness, you can adjust the color display accordingly. Also useful: eye control. However, you need an additional device for the feature to work.

If pictures or words seem too small for you, you can use the magnifier to enlarge them. Here you can decide for yourself whether only part of the screen or the entire screen should be enlarged.

Mono audio plays the same sound through the right and left speakers. Alternatively, you can also enable on-screen flash, where audio notifications have a visual effect – like flashing.

To support your concentration and avoid distractions as much as possible, use the focus session and the “Do not disturb” function will be switched on immediately. This will mute notifications. You can extend the feature by being able to set break times directly from the Clock app. In focus mode, you also no longer have an annoying taskbar, no pop-up notifications, and no more flashing icons.

Before you send your Outlook email message or share your Word document, Excel spreadsheet, or PowerPoint presentation, make sure that the content is as accessible as possible so that it’s easy to read and edit.

Videos and audio files make your PowerPoint more interesting. For your PowerPoint presentation, Windows offers you a direct live subtitle. During the lecture, the words you say are transcribed directly and displayed as subtitles. You can also translate this directly into another language. However, if it is not possible to play your PowerPoint with sound, you can also insert subtitles or captions.

Accessibility shortcuts in Windows 11

  • Dictation: Windows key + H
  • Read aloud function/speech output: Windows key + CTRL + Enter key
  • Windows key + CTRL + L: Live subtitles
  • Alt key + arrow up + print key: color control
  • Windows key + Plus key: Magnifier
  • Windows key + ESC key: Disable screen magnifier
  • Windows key + CTRL + C: Color filter
  • Windows Key + N: Focus & Do Not Disturb
  • Mono Audio/Screen Flash: Settings >Accessibility >Audio
  • Review Accessibility: Microsoft Office application > Review tab
  • Focus: Office Application > View > Plastic – Focus
  • Insert Subtitles/Captions: PowerPoint > Normal View > Select Slide & File > Tab > Playback > Insert Captions
  • Live Subtitles: PowerPoint >Slide Show >Subtitle Settings
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